
Another Bounty for Freedom

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It was the morning of 16th December, 2014. A ceremony was being held in a school when badge of students was passing out from the school and was celebrating its farewell function, while others were there to join them in their celebrations and to see them off for their flight onto the horizons of successes and dreams.

Meanwhile around 7 people stepped inside the hall, holding arms and dressed like guards. Innocent children were too innocent and excited to notice and judge them by their mere appearance. After that moment, all they heard, instead of their teacher’s addresses, was the sound of bullets, what they heard was the echoes of blasts, what they heard was the screams of their fellows being shot, what they heard was the chaos of one of the most brutal terrorist attack in the history of mankind.

Militants started shedding their bullets onto the children, who were trying desperately to find an escape, to find a shield to cover themselves, to hide from those eyes and to run faster than the chasing bullet, but they could not. Militants kept on showering bullets for about 15 minutes to those who could offer their chests to a bullet as the mere resistance and as the only shield to stop that bullet.

The principal of the school had a chance to save her life but she refused to impart herself from her children. She refused to live a life she would gain while turning her back towards her children. She decided to lead herself to her self-suicide mission but she couldn’t abandon her children. She might have made a mistake as when she tried to save her children from those animals, they burnt her in front of her pupils.

This is the price we have to pay when we decide to fight this war against terrorism. This is the exchange of freedom when Pakistan is trying to clear its areas from the militant groups. Children have to offer their throats for barbarians to slaughter when the country raises voice for the betterment of the nation. A school principle has to be burnt when she chooses to stay on the side of her pupils. Mothers have to mourn over the left overs of their children’s bodies as bounty when the armed forces of Pakistan are trying to establish the rule of humanity in Pakistani Territory.

This is the price we have to pay for freedom, another war of freedom is going on after the establishment of Pakistan as a result of a freedom resolution. This would just act as a catalyst to agitate the nation’s demand for peace because one of the ending moments of rule of dark lords are those moments when it is at its maximum and what other maxima is expected than to slaughter children who just came to school for never leaving the building again and those who survived actually see their fellows off onto the horizons of dreams!!