Month: December 2015

Things that Matter

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In search of an answer

I roamed here and there

Jut to find out

It’s where the heart lies that matter


The key to all the riddles lies inside

Have to make oneself uncover, unhide

You always know what you’re looking for

Call by the obstacles and take a ride


Sit back, relax, it’s you, you should flatter

Heads up, hopes high, don’t let the courage scatter

Success is not a destination but a mere attitude

In the end, these are the things that truly matter



In Search of an Identity

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Identity is the trait of how the brain thinks and how the soul acts. We all have been awarded with similar hardware and yet we all are as different from each other as day and night. Even the person who are alike, share common interests, get excited about same things, tend to dress same are very much different from each other.

We fall for different persons, we like different foods, we have this unique lens, we have tremendously different chemical reactions going on inside our heads and yet we all have the same dummy structure. Since the advent of science, the vastly scattered alike objects are being categorized into groups so to trap the study of trillions of objects to a few groups that behave in a similar manner. But humans couldn’t get categorize the Homo-sapiens.

It all goes on a micro scale when ideas develop and ideologies grow. At one instant, I get proud of being a part of a distinct body and on the other, I start searching myself for the unique traits that I possess and other don’t. I want to believe that I’m special, I’m better, I have a greater cause and I lack the meaning I was meant to have found out by now.

This idea is what drives people to do scary things, to do brutal things. This idea is about the struggle of getting a ticket.. a ticket to heavens. This idea is about discovering those missing parts inside the soul. This idea is about being a part of something much bigger than a single human being. This idea is about being a part of a daring community. This idea is about having an approved identity which one has been searching all through his life. This idea is about finding divine meaning and eternal happiness.

When injected into the minds of weakly wicked souls, this idea propagates like a virus, attacking the immune system, destroying the happy cells and compelling one to do things that he wont even be able to see. This is about taking a revenge, a revenge from the people who are in peace with the fact that you cannot know everything in this short life. A revenge from the people who don’t know what they are going to face next.

It’s when incidents like the California’s Human Hunting happen, when the Paris Attacks are witnessed, when the Syrians get bombarded, when the Palestinians construct pools of blood supplied by innocent children. Geographies are different but the incidents taking place are alike in nature, different ideas from different ideologies trying to conquer each other. They don’t know one mere simple fact that they should just agree to disagree. Live and let the other live.