
Let’s Start New

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Walked toward an end- dead

Laid down, rested his head

Told not to get up

Neither for water, nor for bread


Without the spice, goes that taste

Ran to manage that hasty haste

When bliss is a ‘satisfaction’ from ‘now’

Its ‘now’, he shouldn’t waste


It’s when the hunger of life grew

When he stopped his soul to chew

When he said, “It’s for him this time”

It was then he decided to start anew

When I Fell in Love with Her !!

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It was back then,

When days were brighter

When nights were lighter,

When time was wonderful

When hugs were tighter.


It was back then

When moments took me high

When the distances were to overfly,

When her sound echoed in my heart

When my shadow was in her eye.


It was back then

When, with her, my life begun

When only we were there and there was none

When I fell in love with her

When I said ‘Together we are one’.

Moonwalking with Einstein

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Hearing the word ‘moonwalk’ triggers the memory of Michael Jackson performing the illusion of going backwards while actually moving forward. However Moonwalking with Einstein triggers a question like what the hell are we exactly talking about?

This triggering game is a very classic of mind’s games. While discussing something with a group of people around, I actually tell my brain to trigger the correct names, dates, locations and sequences. At times, it presents the contents right in time while at others, well hats off to smartphones, laptops and availability of internet.

But taking assistance for something you should have at your fingertips feels like using a cheat code while playing some game. You read some book and by the time you finish all the detailed chapters, it happens sometimes, all you are left with is just an overview synopsis of the entire story. When it happens to me, I ask myself just to read the overview from now on. What’s the point of reading the entire detailed book when in the end all I will be left with is just the overview of the entire story?

Luckily I didn’t quit reading when one day I read a title Moonwalking with Einstein. The ‘overview’ said that it’s about an ordinary journalist who happened to cover the mnemonic competition held at Oxford University got inspired by some geeks expert in remembering and recalling anything and everything in no time and he ended up winning the championship.

The idea of remembering and recalling anything and everything glared my brain and I started reading the book. Though the book was more like the autobiography of the author but in the end it came clear to me that if I have to be good to at making my mind obeying the orders of triggering memories, I must really practice the following advice.

None of the techniques of memory sharpening will work unless you start ‘Paying Attention’ to what you are going through. 😀


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It’s true

That I love you,

Trust it,  and why would you

These are just words, unworthy, undue.


How to make you believe me

You and I are meant to be we,

Through my eyes, can’t you see?

Inside this heart, full of love, there lies a sea.


For you, I’d wait and wait

Till approaches that moment in my fate,

When you arrive back in time or belate

Till the end, for you, I’d wait.


Psychological Technology

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We all live in an age of hi-tech gadgets, smart devices and in a global village with an ongoing war on cultural reforms. We catch too much each moment, the news, media, entertainment, blogs, forums, columns, seminars, technological updates, advancements in medicines, weather forecasts, stock market trends and the list goes on. Technology that was considered magnificent in its youth is now termed as ‘classic’. Classic cars, telephones with a dial, music players, and type writers are some examples of the old stuff.

However there are some things that I can neither put into the old classy category nor into the state of the art technological stuff, paper & pen and human brain, for instance. In my earlier school days my teachers used to advise students not to cram, rather understand the concepts and I always used to ask myself how am I supposed to put the understood concept to work if I haven’t memorized it and I’d have to cram it for the purpose stated.

Then came the idea of open book tests, which unfortunately I could not experience at least in my educational career. I had to memorize most of the stuff and surprisingly I still put that crammed stuff to use and I enjoy doing so. Before the era of modern communications, there were classy telephone sets with a dial. I used to remember all my friends phone number, we didn’t use to have very long conversations but we knew the statuses surprisingly without even Facebook.

Then the era of technology flooded every aspect of life. Internet from dial up to hi speed broadband and wireless networks, cell phones from simple sets to today’s smart phones, computers from personal computers to smart tablets, gadgets from a wrist watch to Samsung gear. People welcomed the revolution with open arms and close minds. Everything new introduced in the market has now become a status symbol.

Running this technological marathon, I forgot when did I start to surrender myself to this technology, when did I start to stop memorizing rather stop ‘cramming’ my friends telephone numbers, when did I start preferring to store the moments inside my cell phone rather than inside my brain, when did I start to look at the scene through the lens of my cell phone camera rather than the lens of my eyes, when did I start letting this technology live my life instead of me, when did I start letting these gadgets take over my mind and memories, when did I start getting addicted to this newly introduced technology and when did i stop  considering what I had crammed a very long ago.

And what I crammed was: Every form of addiction is bad, no matter whether the narcotic be alcohol or morphine or idealism (or technology in current scenario).